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What Runners Talk About

Runners love to talk, espeically during long runs. I'm sure everyone is curious to know exactly what occupies our conversations during workouts, so I outlined a few popular topics below ––

How many miles they ran that week

The number one thing runners bring up is how far they ran. They never just say "I went for a run" –runners will let you know their exact mileage and a descriptor about it. Example: "I went for a quick 14 miler" or "I did an 8 mile tempo run"

How black their toe nails are/ where they're chaffing/ injuries etc.

Essentially, all that good stuff you love to hear

How much they ran while they were on vacation

Upcoming races

When regular people see someone for the first time in a while, the standard question to ask is: "so, what have you been up to?" For runners, the typical first question is "so, what races have you signed up for?"

They're frustration with being unable to convince their spouses/ kids/ friends to start running

Details about every race they've run, ever

It would surprise you, but runners remember not only every race they've competed in, but every detail of the event – including the weather, distance, what they were wearing, where they chaffed, what their time was and most importantly, what food was served after.

Their opinion on every race

Either they loved it or hated it. For some reason it's an unwritten requirement for all runners to possess strong feelings about any race they've ever run. They base these feelings on the quality of the draw prizes, race cost vs the value of giveaways they received, the t-shirt design and most importantly the food served after.

How much they hate the treadmill

Their kids

I know this because I am that kid

How much they hate running/ How much they love running

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