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Advice For New Runners

There are quite a few people in my life who have been throwing around the idea of taking up running, like my Dad. Understandably there's a bit of doubt and nervousness when starting something new, and I'd love to help you all out. Here are my tips, precautions and words of wisdom on making a smooth entry into the running world.

1) Outfits are key.

Here's a pie chart on how you should pick your next piece of running apparel:

2) Buy a ridiculous amount of GU.

Throw one back before every training run. Double your intake before long runs. Triple your intake before races.

3) Read Canadian Running Magazine.

Memorize key points from the cover story and bring them up on your next group run.

4) Brag to non-runners about your running accomplishments.

In order to successfully gloat, casually integrate words like "compression- socks", "pace-time" and "Suunto watch" to make you seem more legitimate.

5) Make friends with that one person who remembers to bring food after every run.

6) Spend endless hours creating the perfect, pump-up playlist.

Be tired with that playlist after 2 runs.

7) Don't be that one person who somehow looks fabulous in the post-run selfie after a 10 mile run.

The rest of us will hate you and crop you out of group photos.

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