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Unspoken Rules of Being a Runner

When you sign up for your first running clinic or buy your first pair of shoes, you may not receive a hardcopy of a runner's rule book -- but we all know there are unspoken rules that we all follow...

1. If you're about to pass gas, please move to the back of the group.

2. Running clothes aren't just for training, so you may end up wearing them for other day-to-day activities.

It gets to the point that your non-running friends question if you own 'normal' clothes.

3. Wear deodorant during runs.

At least during the summer... preferably all year around.

4. If it's warm-up/ warm-down, cool your jets.

How many times has it happened that the person you're running with 'forgets just how fast' they are and drags you into running 7-min mile pace for a cool down? All the time.

5. Don't let your elbows fly at the start line.

Especially when it's a charity 5km, not the Olympic Trials.

6. When throwing snot rockets to the side, avoid hitting other runners.

7. When throwing your plastic water cup to the side during a race, also avoid hitting other runners.

8. If you're the person who dresses in ridiculous outfits for races (onesies, costumes, dress suits etc.) and you're still running faster than most people, don't be mad if you get thrown aggressively dirty looks.

9. If you're running past someone a 'hi' is expected.

I don't care how out of breath you are.

10. Just know there is always an unspoken competition over who is wearing the best outfit to training.

Bright colours are applauded.

11. There are two types of runners: healthy eaters that follow gluten-free/vegan/ no sugar etc. lifestyles and unhealthy eaters who use running as an excuse to eat absolute junk.

If you're the healthy kind don't brag about it, it makes the rest of us feel bad.

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